Making Memphis & Shelby County

A Safer Place


Overall Crime Rate
in Shelby County

In 2024 compared to 2023


Major Violent Crime Rate
in Shelby County

In 2024 compared to 2023


Major Property Crime Rate
in Shelby County

In 2024 compared to 2023

The Memphis Shelby Crime Commission seeks to improve public safety in the Memphis and Shelby County community by identifying and promoting evidence-based best practices.


Act Now

Join Neighborhood Watch

Law enforcement can’t prevent and reduce crime alone. It also takes engaged citizens at the neighborhood level. Join or organize a neighborhood watch group today.

Take Our Safety Poll

Your voice matters. Take our safety poll and let us know your thoughts on community safety and your level of satisfaction with law enforcement.

Mentor a Child

Habitual truancy is often a gateway to delinquency. Mentors can help move youth on to productive paths and away from criminal behavior. Become a mentor today.

Be an Advocate

Spread the word that there is a Safe Community Plan to prevent and reduce crime. Donate to support Plan implementation and measure progress.

Join Safe Community

Join our safe community that is committed to building and encouraging safety. Together we can make Memphis and Shelby County a safer place.


Donate to the Crime Commission to support Safe Community Plan implementation and to measure progress. Join us in building a safer Memphis and Shelby County.

Featured Partners

Sylvamo’s Support Helps Ensure a Safer Community

Sylvamo (NYSE: SLVM) is the world’s paper company with mills in Europe, Latin America and North America. It’s vision is to be the employer, supplier and investment of choice. It transforms renewable resources into paper that people depend on for education, communication and entertainment.

Sylvamo became an independent, publicly traded company in October 2021 after a successful spinoff from International Paper. Headquartered in East Memphis, Sylvamo employs more than 6,500 colleagues. Net sales for 2022 were $3.6 billion.

The health, safety and well-being of Sylvamo team members is its greatest responsibility, which is why Sylvamo is proud to support the Memphis Shelby Crime Commission. Its support helps ensure our community is safer so everyone returns home safe and well each day.

International Paper Sees Safe Community as Key to Quality of Life and Growth

International Paper is a leading global producer of renewable fiber-based packaging, pulp and paper products with 50,000 employees worldwide and 2,300 in Memphis. The company mobilizes its people, products and resources to address critical needs in the communities where its employees live and work.

International Paper is a strong supporter of the Memphis Shelby Crime Commission, which helps create partnerships with businesses, schools, neighborhood associations, and other entities with the goal of making Memphis and Shelby County a safer place. The company believes that creating a safe community cannot be accomplished with a one-size-fits-all approach.  That’s why they make sustainable investments in education, hunger, and health and wellness programs in their communities.