2017 review on napkin
Annual Report 2017

INTRODUCTION – Governed by a 50-member board of directors comprised of leaders in law enforcement, criminal justice, business, government, the non-profit community, and the faith community, the Memphis Shelby Crime Commission is the leading community-based entity focused on public safety. It has created unprecedented partnerships with businesses, schools, neighborhood associations, public safety agencies and local violence prevention organizations working to make Memphis and Shelby County a safer place.

A key part of fulfilling the Crime Commission’s mission is to spearhead development of a plan called Operation: Safe Community to significantly improve public safety in the Memphis area, galvanize diverse leaders and stakeholders in the implementation and support of the plan, and oversee the hard work necessary to achieve implementation.

The Crime Commission is the ONLY entity in the Memphis community responsible for spearheading development and implementation of a community-wide plan to reduce crime. Every person who resides in Memphis and Shelby County deserves a safe place to live, work, and raise a family. Government alone cannot create this environment, but…. [use the link below to continue reading this report]