The Public Safety Institute (PSI) has entered a research-practice partnership on behalf of the University of Memphis with the Memphis Shelby Crime Commission to provide expertise to problem-solving in the areas of crime prevention, intervention, and reduction.
In October, the PSI sponsored a symposium on Breaking the Cycle of Delinquency to learn about and generate support for the creation of a juvenile assessment center, which is an objective of the local Operation: Safe Community plan. The symposium, which featured national juvenile justice leader Jack Calhoun and Deputy to the Governor Jim Henry along with local community leaders and judicial officials, was attended by approximately 250 people, including Shelby County Mayor Mark Mark Luttrell, Memphis Mayor Jim Strickland, District Attorney Amy Weirich, MPD Director Michael Rallings, Sheriff Bill Oldham, and Juvenile Court Judge Dan Michael.
In the spring, the PSI hopes to sponsor another symposium focused on ex-offender re-entry. It will bring together speakers to consider best practices such as programs that provide transitional work plus other services followed by, hopefully, placement in a permanent job.